Stunning Force has been retired. After developing tendonitis following the race in December 2022, we initially decided on his retirement after discussions with his co-owners. However, even after the partnership was dissolved, the owner’s desire to support his potential led us to reconsider a comeback plan. Acknowledging the risk of recurrence, we ensured he had a thorough rest period and provided meticulous leg care in the stable during training. We managed to get him through two barrier trials, with jockey Piesley commenting after the June 18 trial, “He is ready for the race. Everything is set.”

Unfortunately, during the final race preparations, he showed signs of lameness. A vet confirmed a recurrence of tendonitis. We deeply regret that we couldn’t make his comeback happen for both his former co-owners and his new supporters. Fortunately, we have found him a place for his second life, and he is currently recuperating from his injury. Stunning Force, being very affectionate, is already adored by his new family. At Japanoz Stables, we prioritize finding a happy post-retirement life for our horses.