I attended the Magic Millions National Weanling Sale and National Broodmare Sale held on the Gold Coast.

One of the highlights of these sales was the progeny of Australia’s leading sire, I Am Invincible. His offspring fetched the highest prices in both the weanling and broodmare categories, making both sections highly lively and competitive.

This was my first time participating in a broodmare sale. Here, a diverse range of horses were traded, including active racehorses, horses yet to race, and those still in training. As Australia is about to enter the breeding season, purchases were made not only for breeding purposes but also with the intention of continuing racing before being retired to stud. According to Australian rules, even after covering and conception, horses can continue to race for a certain period unless their racing registration is canceled.

We were able to secure six horses for our owner. These weanlings will be raced in Australia before being imported to Japan as part of a long-term project. We are delighted that Japanos Stable can be involved in this significant opportunity.